Tuesday 13 May 2014

Beauty Tips In Hindi For Face Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women

Beauty Tips In Hindi For Face Biography

Wouldn't it be nice if you could get expert beauty advice, user reviews and amazing products in one place? We think so, too, which is why we're expanding the Beauty Gems department in Total Beauty Shops. Now, you can buy hundreds of products from leading brands and get free shipping if you spend $40 or more. Makeup and nail color, skin care and hair care, body products and fragrance, high-tech tools and, natch, TotalBeauty.com Award winners -- the best in beauty is all here.

To celebrate, we asked some of our favorite bloggers to pick the Beauty Gems they're most excited to buy. Click here to see them. 

This month, orders over $40 include a free TotalBeauty.com Mini Collection. Plus, from May 13 to May 31, you can snag the Summer Prep Collection (a $95 value) for just $10 with select beauty bundles. 
Jessica Standley, JKissa Makeup
Her pick: GlamGlow Tingling & Exfoliating Mud Mask 

"I love the GlamGlow mud mask! Not only does it smell amazing, this product is made with great ingredients. This leaves my face plump and smells amazing, too. You can really see a difference when you use this for the first time. After I am filming all day, I love to put this on to draw out any makeup that may have been left behind.

Women in the survey also said they would be prepared to shell out £79 on average for the latest, all singing and dancing wonder product.
A spokeswoman for Simple said: "This bizarre list of beauty tips and tricks just shows the lengths some women will go to look beautiful and how confusing some of these tips are.
"Women have a different approach to products and beauty tips, some like to adopt the latest innovations and others prefer to stick to what they know.
"We wanted to poll women to find out what alternative beauty treatments they use and what their approach is to the latest 'must-have' products."
More conventional remedies to stay looking youthful include drinking plenty of water, milk and cranberry juice, the survey found.
Other unconventional remedies include rubbing strawberries on the face to minimise the appearance of freckles and adding sugar to soap to exfoliate.
Wrinkle busting tips were listed as sleeping on your back to avoid lines on your face and investing in a silk pillow case.
The poll delved in to women's opinions of harsh cosmetic procedures with one in five females saying those who went under the knife to stay youthful were vain and self-absorbed.
Nearly a third said they have "more money than sense".
When asked what the key to looking young was, three quarters of women said it was maintaining a healthy diet.
Two thirds hailed drinking lots of water as the key to keeping youthful but 57 per cent said it was down to the genes you were born with.
A third attributed it to a good daily beauty routine and religiously removing make-up.
A dedicated 14 per cent said they even go the lengths of eating particular foods in order to stay young with broccoli being the most popular, followed by oily fish.
Two thirds said they find conflicting claims from beauty products confusing although ten per cent said "anything was worth a shot".
A spokeswoman for Simple added: "This survey shows many women are prepared to go to extreme lengths to find the right beauty regime.
"Many women are prepared to go to extreme lengths to fight the ageing process and that is their choice. But our advice would be to follow a healthy lifestyle instead of being pressured to try the latest fads or any invasive surgery.
"But our advice would be to adopt a healthy routine and your skin will thank you for it – you only have one skin, so look after it.
"At Simple we believe that taking care of your appearance should be straightforward and uncomplicated."
1. Cucumber on eyes to freshen them up
2. Drink 2 litres of bottled water everyday
3. Toothpaste on spots
4. Tea bags on tired eyes
5. Brush talcum powder through hair to freshen it up
6. Sleep in socks filled with moisturiser for soft feet
7. Pinching cheeks to give a natural blush
8. Shave legs with hair conditioner
9. Lemon juice on highlighted hair
10. Drinking plenty of milk
11. Toothpaste on insect bites
12. Nail polish in fridge
13. Baking soda on teeth to make them whiter
14. Vaseline on eyebrows
15. Lipstick on cheeks when you run out of blusher
16. Final hair rinse in vinegar
17. Spray hairbrush with perfume
18. Fish pedicures
19. Cold teaspoons applied to eyes to reduce puffiness
20. Using honey as a face mask
21. Super glue broken fingers nails rather than rip them off
22. Steam face in water with fresh herbs added
23. Vaseline to smooth out frizzy hair
24. Heat up eye lash curlers before using them
25. Sleep on back to avoid wrinkles
26. Add sugar to soap to exfoliate
27. Rinse hair with beer
28. Iron long hair to make it flat (before straighteners were invented)
29. Lemon juice to whiten tips of nails
30. Kept eyebrow & eyeliner pencils and lipsticks in the fridge
31. Pouring milk in to the bath or on skin
32. Apply whisked eggs to hair to make it shiny
33. Whitening toothpaste to get rid of fake tan on palms
34. Mix a drop of serum with foundation to make skin glow
35. Massage an ice-cube over your face to reduce wrinkles and acne
36. Use the cold setting on hair dryer to set mascara
37. Sleeping on a silk pillowcase to reduce wrinkles
38. Tomato ketchup on hair to reverse hair dye
39. Pumpkin and coconut oil on your hair to give it a moisture boost
40. Coffee as a body scrub to beat cellulite
41. Mash up avocado and use as a body scrub
42. Having a cold shower to make breasts appear bigger
43. Burst an evening primrose oil capsule and apply to spots to make the them heal faster
44. Antihistamine to reduce flushed cheeks
45. Rub fresh strawberries in your face to get rid of freckles
46. Using cranberry juice to boost hair shine and enhance colour
47. Adding peppermint oil to lip gloss to enhance pout
48. Brewer's yeast mixed with water to bleach facial hair
49. Soot from a spent match on a make-up brush, for smoky eyes look
50. A spritz of lemonade on damp hair to give hold and texture

For decades, skin care products were thought of as something that only women used. My own father had his unique regimen that included washing his face with a bar of hand soap and covering his shaving nicks with tiny bits of toilet paper. Well, those days are OVER gentlemen! A healthy skin care regimen is just as important for men as it is women. But let’s face it- many men prefer a fuss free approach to skin care that is quick and easy to follow. So let’s break it down into an easy five step program to help all men reap the rewards of good skin care.

5 steps towards healthy, handsome skin
Men’s skin care step 1 – Cleanse
If you can’t find the time to do anything else – cleansing your skin is a must! Don’t worry guys; cleansing is just a fancy word for washing your face. This should be done every morning and every evening before bedtime. Just because you can’t see the dirt and grime on your skin, doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. Think about what you are exposed to on a daily basis: pollution, car exhaust, cigarette smoke, even room deodorizers. All of these little particles can land on your skin and cause damage so they must be washed away. However, this doesn’t mean that you can reach for that withered old bar soap. Ordinary soaps tend to be loaded with detergents and deodorizers and can be very harsh and dehydrating to the skin. A good facial cleanser is what you need. Men tend to have skin that is a bit oilier then women’s so find a cleanser that targets normal to oily skin for the best results. Remember, if you don’t cleanse your skin on a daily basis; the excess grime and oil could leave you with clogged pores and breakouts.

Men’s skin care step 2 – Exfoliate
Men, if you really want to see and feel a difference in your skin this next step is for you. Exfoliation is the process of removing the dead skin cells from the surface to reveal the new skin cells beneath. Think of an exfoliating scrub the same way you would a piece of light grade sandpaper. A few swipes on a jagged piece of wood and voila, you are left with a soft, smooth surface that looks like a brand new piece of wood. Our skin exfoliates naturally but, as we get older ,the process of exfoliation starts to slow down and we need to help it along. Exfoliation can also help clean out the yucky stuff that can get lodged in your pores. Choose an exfoliant that contains scrubby particles to help smooth the skin and eliminate dullness. The bonus of using an exfoliant is that it will also help soften your hair follicles which can result in a closer, less irritating shave. And the best part? This is a product that you only need to use a few times a week.

Men’s skin care step 3 – Moisturize
Moisturizers can make a world of difference in the appearance of a man’s skin. In fact, men tend to need moisturizer even more than most women do. This is because most men shave their faces. Every time you scrape that razor across your skin, you aren’t only removing facial hair but you are also removing necessary oils from your skin. Then what do you do? You probably slap on some alcohol-based aftershave lotion that burns the heck out of your skin. The alcohol then further dehydrates the skin. So what do you need to combat this? Moisturizer! A moisturizer will help to replenish your skin’s moisture content and will help prevent razor burn. Choose a moisturizer that contains SPF to help protect you from ordinary exposure to the sun’s damaging rays. Unprotected sun exposure can lead to pre-mature aging, fine lines, wrinkles and worst of all, skin cancer.

Men’s skin care step 4 – Eyes
One of the very first places we start to notice the signs of aging is around the eyes. And unfortunately, this is the very place that many men tend to neglect. The skin around our eyes lacks in both sweat and oil glands making it highly susceptible to dehydration which can show itself as fine lines and wrinkles. The super soft, very thin layer of skin that surrounds our eyes can develop little expression lines that may grow into unsightly wrinkles quickly. So what should you do? Pick up a hydrating eye cream right away. All you need is a little dab of product under and around each eye to do the trick. It will help hydrate, smooth and protect your skin every day. Apply your eye cream every morning and every evening before bedtime and after cleansing.

Men’s skin care step 5 – Lips
Believe it or not, our lips age drastically with time. Take a look at a picture of yourself when you were a young child. Your lips were plump and there were no lines. Unfortunately, as we age our lips lose collagen and they start to melt right in with the rest of our face. Women can take advantage of lip liners, lip stick and lip glosses but many men draw the line at this! If you look at your lips in the mirror you will see fine lines and wrinkles running in all different directions. Our lips, like the skin around our eyes, also lack in sweat and oil glands. They do not have the same protective layer of skin called the stratum corneum that we have elsewhere on our bodies for added protection. And, because they also lack in melanin they lose that extra protection against the sun’s UV rays. Our lips desperately need our help. Men, grab a lip balm, preferably with SPF and as I always say; apply, apply and reapply throughout the day.

See gentlemen, it’s really that simple! And the best part is that if you incorporate these five simple steps into your daily regimen, you will definitely notice a difference in your appearance. It’s a fuss free way towards healthy, handsome skin.
Whether it’s the weather, genetics, or hormones, we all get a little extra shine on our faces at times. Here are my essential tips to keep oily skin under control!

Oily skin occurs when sebaceous glands produce a high level of sebum (oil) on the skin. Often, people with oily skin have large pores, and are prone to acne as well as shine. Anyone who’s ever experienced greasy or oily skin knows that it can be frustrating to deal with at times. But if you have oily skin, don’t fret too much, because there is one major positive to having naturally oily skin – it’s less prone to wrinkles than dry skin. The oil keeps skin moist, which keeps wrinkles at bay – always a good thing!

As far as the cause of oily skin, there are many reasons our skin can get a little shiny from time to time. If you live in a tropical climate, there is natural humidity in the air, making it easy for your oil production to go into overdrive. And, if you enjoy a dry climate, you may still experience oily skin because you’re genetically predisposed. Oily skin could also be due to hormonal changes (which are most often seen in a person’s teens/early 20s). You could also have combination skin – meaning that some areas of your face are oily, and some are dry.

Regardless of the cause of your oily skin, there are ways to mitigate the shine and make your skin appear more matte.

6 tips to keep the oily skin under control
Oily skin tip 1: Pack wisely
Something as simple as carrying oil blotting sheets and tissues could help you control shine throughout your day. Oil blotting sheets are an inexpensive way to mop up excess oil on your face and give you a matte look for hours after you’ve cleansed your face.

Oily skin tip 2: Pull your hair back
Hair can be beautiful when you leave it down, but it can also exacerbate oily skin. If you have oily skin, try to keep your hair out of your face as much as possible to prevent clogged pores and excess shine. (This is especially true if you have long bangs, so be sure to keep your hair clean and cleanse your forehead throughly!)

Oily skin tip 3: Don’t touch
This one is a classic beauty tip – don’t touch your face. Sounds simple, but it’s easier said than done! Every time you think about touching your face, remind yourself that you could be transferring impurities to your skin with every touch!

Oily skin tip 4: Try oil-free cosmetics
If you use cosmetics, look for those that are oil-free or water-based, as they won’t encourage excess oil production. What’s even better than oil-free makeup? No makeup at all. Be brave and face the day with a naked face!

Oily skin tip 5: Try different moisturizers
Sometimes oil skin is only present in certain areas of the face such as the T-zone (the t-shaped zone of your forehead, nose, and chin), but cheeks are still considered dry or normal. The areas of your face that are oily may need a lighter moisturizer so keep trying moisturizers until you find the one that is perfect for you!

Oily skin tip 6: Make skincare a ritual
Good skin starts with good habits. If you have oily skin, consider adding an extra step to your beauty regimen – masks! Clay masks with mint are great for removing impurities and decreasing the visibility of the pores. And, choose a cleanser with citrus as this can effectively remove sebum.


Remember, no matter your skin type, a consistent skincare routine is key. Treat your skin well and it will treat you well in return! And if you have an
y oily skin tips that you swear by, leave them in the comments below – I’d love to hear them!

Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women
Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women
Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women
Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women
Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women
Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women
Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women
Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women
Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women
Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women
Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women
Beauty Tips In Urdu For Hair For Skin In English Tumblr For Face Whitening In Hindi For Face For Girls For Women

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